Ko Naomi Chase ahau, No Kirikiriroa ahau, E noho ana i Totara inaianei.

Thanks for calling by...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Back to school

Well today was the first day back to school.  School holidays are great but they do tend to go on for ages and it always feels like one week longer than needs be.  It was a very hot sticky day and before you knew it the day was over but glad that I was organised because life is so much easier when everything is organised.

Back to aerobics class too and there were way too many people to be able to move freely.  Got home and the boys made dinner, yay, nothin exciting just Bacon n Egg pie, mash and a salad.  Saul wanted to make some Mactezerboyz icecream.  All you need is 2L of softened vanilla ice cream, 1 packet of Maltezers and 1 packet of Macroon biscuits.  Cut Maltezers in half, chop biscuits and raspberries / boysenberries and stir together and freeze.  Enjoy.

This is Wesley's pie with a big 'W' on top. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

72 Pencils

Haaahaa.  I've had a pile of pencils in a box and I've been meaning to attempt this for ages.  Worked on it last night until about 3am when I gave up and went to bed.  Had another look at it this afternoon and finally tonight came up with this.  It's still not quite right but it'll do.  I've had enough.  Might try and superglue it together tomorrow so that I can take the rubber bands off. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Somewhere to start.

Well here I am starting a blog.  I'm not much of a writer or talker I just like to sit back and observe mainly.  So I'm gonna play it by ear.  Had a go at Dailybooth because I thought that might be fun, but not really.  I really do hate putting myself out there so to speak but I guess someone might find me interesting and if not I'm not too fussed.  So, I'll just blog about what Im doing, what interests me, what my family are doing, what my cat is doing all that boring kind of stuff.My hopes and dreams perhaps, now thats really putting me out there.  Just feels like a lot of blah blah blah but I like reading other peoples bah blah blah.  So who knows.  Facebook is getting a little boring. 

For now, I will blog because my husband is working in the Solomon Islands at the moment and I know he'll be very interested in whats happening at home.  Well it's been nearly three months since he's been gone and life goes on.  Haven't missed him too much, I just keep busy around here and I must say the cat takes up a lot more space than he did and I don't miss the snoring. Lol.  But we still miss having him around.